Thursday, 24 September 2009

Ideas so far for music video...

After choosing our song 'Everyones at it' by Lily Allen. We examined the lyrics and highlighted key phrases. This immediately inspired us with some basic ideas that we could later change or expand on, the most vivid imagery we got whilst analysing the lyrics was 'teenagers' and the peer pressure of drugs. One idea we had was a house party, which is obviously a stereotypical situation for drug use. Lucy has agreed to the star as the main singer of the video and we had an idea that she could walk around the house party as if she was invisible seeing herself and her friends in a drunken state and in the house party typical behaviour would be seen such as drinking, loud music, violence, one night stands and drug use.
Another idea we had was based in the location of a year 11 class room and Lucy would be sitting at that back of class listening to a lecture on anti drug use and the affects of drugs. After discussing this idea further we thought it would be a good idea to use this concept as an introduction to the music video which could then merge in to another scene, for example the house party idea. Which would portray Lucy reflecting her life now and the impact of drugs on her and her friends lives.
Another idea for a location is a street at night time, perhaps an alley way, to create a grimy urban atmosphere which sticks with the theme. Lucy would be walking down the alley way singing the lyrics, with people walking past/ in the background.

We decided to neglect the house party idea mainly due to lack of control. It would be hard to control a big group of teenagers to naturally act drunk/high therefore we decided to expand on other concepts. Organisation of the event and filming with technical expensive equipment in such a situation are also issues.

After seeking more inspiration we really like the idea of Lucy walking along the streets. We will be staging other people in the streets to act in certain ways, for example; a couple kissing against a wall, people on the floor, people stumbling and laughing etc.
We are still going to start the video with the class room scene merging in to Lucy on the streets. When Lucy listens to the anti drug lecture at the start of the video she appears to look bored and uninterested, we had the idea that the video returns to this scene at the end showing Lucy sitting alone deep in thought whilst her fellow class mates are leaving the room and talking, this is showing that Lucy has really thought about the topic.

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